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Three Letters from Teddy - A truly Amazing Video

The Story of Teddy Stallard and Miss Thompson.  A fictional tale based on actual experiences in the life of the author, . What a litt...

Monday 1 February 2016


In small doses, stress can help you accomplish tasks and prevent you from getting hurt and while a little stress is OK -- some stress is actually beneficial -- too much stress can wear you down and make you sick, both mentally and physically. Stress can affect all aspects of your life, including your emotions, behaviors, thinking ability, and physical health. Doctors do know that sudden emotional stress can be a trigger for serious cardiac problems, including heart attacks. Stress can lengthen or shorten your menstrual cycle, stop it altogether, or make your periods more painful. Stress can play a part in problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety. Constant tension from stress can lead to neck, shoulder, and low back pain.

 Constant tension from stress can lead to neck, shoulder, and low back pain. Stress can make you breathe harder. It also appears that how a person responds to stress can affect cholesterol levels. Stress can make existing problems worse. Prolonged stress can interfere with sleep and cause insomnia. This long-term ongoing stress can increase the risk for hypertension, heart attack or stroke. As demonstrated in the above list, stress can have wide ranging effects on emotions, mood and behavior.

One of the most common = Chronic stress can cause additional anxiety and lead to depression. Stress can affect how you feel, think, behave and how your body works. Even short-lived, minor stress can have an impact. Stress can make existing problems worse.

And even bigger stessors

 Another major reason for financial stress is a lack of an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses.

 The problem with financial stress is that it tends to be an ongoing and chronic type of stress.

 Financial stress is common if you are forced into frugality because of a lost job, divorce, death in the family, or being over your head in debt, etc.

 The first step in reducing financial stress is to look at your situation objectively, creating a snapshot of your current financial condition.

 The impact of an adverse shock to financial stress is more severe in a high stress regime, and is also affected by the length of time spent in that regime.

 But for some, daily financial stress is a way of life, born into circumstances where there never seems to be enough to make ends meet or to enjoy life over and above the very essentials.

 Financial stress is especially damaging if it is persistent and so prompt policy action to reduce stress is needed.

 For many people, financial stress is often accompanied by unhealthful coping behaviors such as overeating, anger outbursts and excessive alcohol consumption.

I personally think that January can bring so much misery and pain for people, when in fact it should bring hope and salvation for the very start of a Happy and Joyous New Year....

So have a look at this - this is your solution to your finanacal nightmare.

 Click Here!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Crack your Egg !!!!

  Crack Your EGG

Hi Everyone,

Apoligies for not keeping you all updated on this Blog -

Ok now down to business, and giving you some more fun and very interesting tips on how to become Happier and Wealthier in whatever we do.

This has been on my radar for some time and it quite exceptional content, the 3 videos and accompanying PDFs gives more information and insights on how we form our beliefs and become victims of our bad luck and poor decisions. 

This is free but it has an offer at the end, but just learning from all the 3 videos and PDFs makes this a very very special course. So indulge and learn something about yourself that can and will make you a very exceptional person.

So -Take Control of Your Life

Claim your Complimentary, 3-Part Video and PDF Series,

And Discover How 'Cracking Your Egg' Can Help You 

Dissolve deeply-buried, Subconscious Blocks that resist durable Wealth and Success......

Find Lasting Happiness, Abundance, Joy, and Emotional Well-being in Life

Experience profound Mental Clarity and Freedom

And Much More!

Please Follow this Link to subscribe to your Free Videos and PDFs 

Sunday 5 October 2014

Adam Mortimer - 4 Videos That Explain How You Can Change Your Subconcious Beliefs

About Adam Moritmer

Adam is an executive personal development coach at Prosper, Inc. He bases his coaching philosophy on James Allen’s statement, “They themselves are makers of themselves.” He has coached many people all over the world. He loves to travel and considers himself fortunate to be able to do what he loves and at the same time help people achieve their dreams.  Adam is the CEO of Blufish LLC, a successful technology-based business. He has dedicated his life to understanding the power of the human mind. He is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur.  Adam and his wife, Moana, live in Utah and are the parents of twins


This is the link to the 4th and Final Video enjoy.

How to finally break-free from…

A life ‘entangled’ in an illusion of lack

limitation and separation

REVEALED: Discover the ONE power that can forever shift you beyond all limitations and finally experience all the abundance, happiness, health and success you deserve

                                           Click Here!

The Dwadle - Burt Goldman shows you how to heal Pain

Who is Burt Goldman?

 Burt Goldman, fondly known to his fans as The American Monk, is a world renowned meditation master, a spiritual coach and mind power expert and has dedicated his life to helping people find their inner confidence and self esteem in their own lives. When he is not helping others, he is on a constant quest to better himself and always working on new and exciting projects.

To Burt, age is never an excuse to stop living

At the age of 83, he’s just like any other person his age who relishes in peace and quiet, likes spending quality time with my grandchildren, and enjoys nothing more than sitting down to a good book, but Burt is also an accomplished author, artist, photographer and musician. If Burt can master life, so can you.
For more than 50 years, Burt has been improving the lives of people who want to live better. His techniques are so amazingly effective he calls them the lazy man’s way to achieve enlightenment.

So go on, give the Dwadle your attention, and see how you can Heal Pain

Please go to this page as Burt discusses some details of his work, plus there are a lot of free resources on the right hand side of website, just scroll down. The American Monk website

I cannot recommend this enough but its great........!!!!

For The First Time Ever, Burt Goldman Reveals His Incredible Secret To Unbreakable Health—Even At 83 Years Of Age…

“With The American Monk Healing Triangle, You Can Now Manipulate Energy on All 3 Planes of Existence – Physical, Mental & Spiritual – For A Lifetime of Holistic Health & Vitality”

Is Your Understanding of Health Based on Outdated Ideas? Read on To Find Out The Truth About Your Mind, Body & Spirit, & How With The Right Techniques You Too Can Enjoy A Long, Happy & Productive Life Into Your 80’s, 90’s & Beyond…Click Here!