A guide to understanding our relationship with money and success using the secret of wealth tools to aid our journey.
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013
The Law Of Attraction under the Surgeons Knife
So what is the law of attraction: Well lets look at the definition of the words:-
Law : Law is a term which does not have a universally accepted definition, but one definition is that law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behaviour.
Attraction: [Physics] a force under the influence of which objects tend to move towards each other:
So we can now understand the word Law and Attraction - I must admit the word law in my understanding is something that is mutually agreed by everyone, like gravity. Its common knowledge.
So why o' why is this so difficult to understand, and how 7 billion of us (deduct 3% from figure since they have total control over us) are getting it wrong, and clearly living in such a muddle. Countless gurus tell us this or that particular modality, yet there the ones who are attracting the laws of money to themselves, leaving us poor souls feeding the Jabba the Global parasite. Read into that particular remark as you wish.
Lets start first by analysing the issues of attraction of just about anything - lets say you want to buy a coat, you leave your house (bought), you get into your car (bought), you head for the shops and park (purchase car park ticket - bought), you then look around various shops and eventually you find your ideal coat (purchased/bought), you then wish to go and have something to eat and drink (bought). Notice something here, do you notice that your paying, every single part of the way. We could look at anything else and somewhere you will find a particular connection to a cost, or an energy which is required. Simple yes, its cost you - but what does it cost you - what is money - this is the interesting part of the story:-
Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given socio-economic context or country. The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, occasionally in the past, a standard of deferred payment. Any kind of object or secure verifiable record that fulfils these functions can be considered money.
quote wikipedia.
So what is currency
A currency (from Middle English current, meaning in circulation) in the most specific use of the word refers to money in any form when in actual use or circulation, as a medium of exchange, especially circulating paper money. This use is synonymous with banknotes, or (sometimes) with banknotes plus coins, meaning the physical tokens used for money by a government
By my estimation the word currency means in circulation - like electricity it bounces around and its serves are machines, and give us a whole load of enjoyment. Great eh ! well you would think so - until you realise that Money is stored electronically now - (for a side note only around 6% of cash is ever circulating around at any one time, notwithstanding peoples bank accounts and assets). But unlike electricity that has one medium to move in, money seems to have developed into different containers, and pots, and hedge funds. Right now it appears that taken out of the hands of the common man and woman, it is stored electronically. Safe and sound in some computer vault, now even more susceptible to intruders than a 2 foot concrete wall, with a 5 foot steel door. Which one would you trust.
Money is an energy, something that is given in exchange of a particular energy that is rewarded with a credit note, whether your a street cleaner or a filthy rich (note the word filthy) CEO of some tin pot company.
I want to leave Steve Jobs out of this argument, I happen to admire a man who through a particularly nasty illness still has the balls to get up there and believe what he is doing is right. For now i will centre my focus clearly on those outdated and very controlled companies that have not really shown much innovation since their inception in the 70s - Now we know who the Boss is at Microsoft and clearly since the heady days of the computer evolution, certain people have remained in the industry structure that have squashed new ideas regarding fundamental changes to our value in how we work. Bit like us telling God, actually we don't need you, we are perfectly capable of doing this ourselves. What I am saying is that through those who have achieved the pinnacle of their career they have clearly stated that they will in some underhanded way stay at the top. Thus crushing any new developments in the field of computers and software. (That's why i admire Steve Jobs, he did what he set out to do). Ok, I could also argue that these two men were the founding fathers of the personal computing industry, and obviously we owe a great deal to these Men, lest we forget Clive Sinclair - the brainchild of the ZX80/ZX81 and of course the beloved spectrum, and of course the ultimate downfall of the man, who ironically was a Green (ozone depletion and all that) in his passion to build the Sinclair C5 - personally I really do think he could have achieved a heck of lot more.
Now Ive prattled on about Money - now about Computers - and more especially about the men who created this industry. Nothing wrong with that at all, in fact I applaud them all for their services to Mankind, but we have matured into the next tranche or phase of our evolution, and its getting quite noticeable that we are behind in every aspect of new technologies, and our understanding spiritually and physically and at time emotionally as to where we go from here.
So back to Money, if money is to circulate and enjoy the wealth for the people, how come we are not all wealthy, who decides the cost of everything, or who decides to stop aid in countries, that have been robbed of their finances by certain questionable nations, who inspires a nation to send their hard earned cash to aid a military regime, who governs a state that provides free health care yet is robbed by those who have never paid a cent into it. Who decides that instead of keeping their business to his fellow countryman, allow other countries to work for next to nothing. Who decides to give medical aid to a country they have just bombed, Who decides to keep a baby with aids, and allows a child to die whilst being filmed. Who decides not to take tax from a billionaire, but takes tax from a road sweeper.
Its all about decision, how best it serves the individual, not the community, town, village, County, State, Country. Money has never been evil, money is neutral - its what people do with it that shows that they are fit to be human - So all that money locked in the computer, will stay uncirculated, and serve the fingers of those that have control.
Funny isn't it - try putting the sun and moon in the computer - and guess what - life is gone.
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