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Three Letters from Teddy - A truly Amazing Video

The Story of Teddy Stallard and Miss Thompson.  A fictional tale based on actual experiences in the life of the author, . What a litt...

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Adam Mortimer - 4 Videos That Explain How You Can Change Your Subconcious Beliefs

About Adam Moritmer

Adam is an executive personal development coach at Prosper, Inc. He bases his coaching philosophy on James Allen’s statement, “They themselves are makers of themselves.” He has coached many people all over the world. He loves to travel and considers himself fortunate to be able to do what he loves and at the same time help people achieve their dreams.  Adam is the CEO of Blufish LLC, a successful technology-based business. He has dedicated his life to understanding the power of the human mind. He is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur.  Adam and his wife, Moana, live in Utah and are the parents of twins


This is the link to the 4th and Final Video enjoy.

How to finally break-free from…

A life ‘entangled’ in an illusion of lack

limitation and separation

REVEALED: Discover the ONE power that can forever shift you beyond all limitations and finally experience all the abundance, happiness, health and success you deserve

                                           Click Here!

The Dwadle - Burt Goldman shows you how to heal Pain

Who is Burt Goldman?

 Burt Goldman, fondly known to his fans as The American Monk, is a world renowned meditation master, a spiritual coach and mind power expert and has dedicated his life to helping people find their inner confidence and self esteem in their own lives. When he is not helping others, he is on a constant quest to better himself and always working on new and exciting projects.

To Burt, age is never an excuse to stop living

At the age of 83, he’s just like any other person his age who relishes in peace and quiet, likes spending quality time with my grandchildren, and enjoys nothing more than sitting down to a good book, but Burt is also an accomplished author, artist, photographer and musician. If Burt can master life, so can you.
For more than 50 years, Burt has been improving the lives of people who want to live better. His techniques are so amazingly effective he calls them the lazy man’s way to achieve enlightenment.

So go on, give the Dwadle your attention, and see how you can Heal Pain

Please go to this page as Burt discusses some details of his work, plus there are a lot of free resources on the right hand side of website, just scroll down. The American Monk website

I cannot recommend this enough but its great........!!!!

For The First Time Ever, Burt Goldman Reveals His Incredible Secret To Unbreakable Health—Even At 83 Years Of Age…

“With The American Monk Healing Triangle, You Can Now Manipulate Energy on All 3 Planes of Existence – Physical, Mental & Spiritual – For A Lifetime of Holistic Health & Vitality”

Is Your Understanding of Health Based on Outdated Ideas? Read on To Find Out The Truth About Your Mind, Body & Spirit, & How With The Right Techniques You Too Can Enjoy A Long, Happy & Productive Life Into Your 80’s, 90’s & Beyond…Click Here!

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Three Letters from Teddy - A truly Amazing Video

The Story of Teddy Stallard and Miss Thompson.

 A fictional tale based on actual experiences in the life of the author, . What a little fifth grader says to his teacher bypasses the head and goes straight to the heart of any issue.This is a story of compassion and hope, through the eyes of a teacher.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Busting A Limiting Belief in 20 minutes - The Morty Lefkoe Method

Definition of a Belief (this is quote from the free dictionary on line)

be·lief (b-lf)

n. 1. The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another: My belief in you is as strong as ever.

2. Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something: His explanation of what happened defies belief.

3. Something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons.

It strikes me as a look at this word, something big sticks out, can you see it, it might not be obvious but I assure you that when I tell you, it will hit you like a brick. The word is LIE and it nestles nicely between BE and F. Strange how a word like this can used all the time, yet  we are oblivious to the true meaning of the word.

So we all believe that the earth revolves around the sun, funny thing is that if we believed that about 500 years ago you would be piling up your own wood, and then forced on a pole and a nice fire would be lit, whilst the Church elders prayed for the salvation of your Soul, as your tenderly cooked on both sides.
A belief that the Sun revolved around the Earth was the No 1 belief of 16th Century Europe. Science has now proved otherwise.

The question is if everyone believed that the above was true, and they were all wrong, except a few who challenged the authorities, how many other beliefs in life are totally wrong.

Whilst not going to in-depth with this article you should all be aware that 90 per cent of our actions in life, are governed by our sub-conscious mind. For instance, whilst learning to walk we must have fallen down a hundred times or more, before we claimed victory for our skills in walking our 3 steps, it was learnt and it required no effort by our conscious mind to remember how to put one foot in front of the other. Lesson learnt (Courtesy of our sub-conscious mind, that operates at an estimated 400 billions bits per second, as our conscious minds operation at a speed of 200k per second.)

We look into the eyes of our parents, be it our mothers or fathers faces and watch with gurgling bursts as they make funny faces, we sense when their happy, and we sense when there worried, we sense when their loving us, and we sense when their sad. We watch and we learn and record, and a belief is formed, which is then played over as similar gestures in people faces reignite those strong emotions that give us happiness or sadness the first time.

Beliefs are normally formed with the power of our emotions, and these beliefs are normally installed between the ages of 0 - 5 years of age, a ripe age to program someone with the core operating system using these prime software programs for future use. Future behaviours are normally clamped onto these core beliefs.

So, in a nutshell what does that tell you, if your core programming is less that successful, for instance lets say you have an issue with money, and when you were 3 years of age you heard Mommy and Daddy having an argument which concerned the lack of money. You see two people raising their voices, large gestures with arms extended and projecting menacing facial expressions, you sit huddled on the stairs watching and your afraid. After the event has happened you make a decision that money is the cause of unhappiness, and makes people angry. The belief has been formed, and then its filed away, for future programming.

The Morty Lefkoe method is a great system to use.

In  the above case it can put another meaning to your initial perception of the event that you witnessed when your were 3 years of age, and your belief about money and it inherent problems, which were forged at that time, and become the primary connection between money and how your perceiving it. Do you see that our sub-conscious is doing the work, it uses this programme for subsequent events concerning money for the rest of your life.

You change that programme - it served you at the time, but it doesn't serve you now. After all the science of Neuroplasticity and the changing our our neural pathways is a new science and backs up current understanding on how our brains work. Try......

                                                   Try The Morty Lefkoe Method for Free