Cancer has always been synonymous with loss and fear. With today’s new advancements in prevention, detection and treatment, a diagnosis of cancer no longer necessarily means facing a terminal disease. Rather, as new advances provide more treatment options, cancer increasingly takes on the shape of a chronic condition.
Recently, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) announced that leading cancer organizations report that Americans’ risk of dying from cancer continues to decline, indicating that progress in prevention, early detection, and newer treatments appear to be helping in the fight against this disease.
The next revolution in cancer therapy will likely find its roots in the ongoing Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), a pilot project initiated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Scientists have begun to discover that numerous genes play a role in cancer, but they have only uncovered a small portion of these genes. The Cancer Genome Atlas is aimed at helping to accelerate the understanding of the genetic make-up of cancer. Researchers hope that a better understanding of how cancer develops and spreads, will lead to new tests to detect cancer in its early, most treatable stages; new therapies to target cancer; and, ultimately, new strategies to prevent cancer.
tury, it is estimated that one in three of the human population will at some point in their lives, have or come into contact with someone affected by this
Yes a familiar article, a disease that is the plight of the 21st century, it is estimated that one in three of the human population will at some point in their lives, have or come into contact with someone affected by this awful disease, and yet the only advance in this effort to combat the disease are in medicines, the drug companies are doing very nicely at promoting a wide variety of medicines, at best leave a patient feeling very unwell, at worst accelerate their death.
I speak from experience that my late wife was diagnosed with a particular cancer, which had it been treated in the first instance may have saved her life, but after so many mistakes by so many doctors her hope to see her grandchildren were snuffed out on my birthday, the day she died.
Now if you have cancer and have sought cures outside conventional medicine then allow me to introduce this free copy of PSTEC for cancer sufferers. The one thing that my late wife was not a fan - was of new-age modalities, but after the medical profession had let her down, she was more than willing to look into anything else that might have given her a chance. That was back in 1997, we have moved a long way from those early Internet/mobile phone and dare i say it Games Consoles, likewise in understanding Energy Medicines and all other modalities from EFT to BSFF to Colour (Color if your American, its ok my girlfriend is American and I'm English - and we have a laugh at that - funny how I'm always wrong)Therapy - et al.
So, we have so many different choices in alternative medicines or modalities its often too hard to make a real decision on what's the best one. Now I speak from experience, and watching my wife going from a strong, happy, beautiful and very caring woman who loved life to a person that was half her weight, couldn't eat, - well i will spare you the details because frankly, it was awful - and i always swore that if someone else had this horrible disease then i would try to help them as best i could.
Well here it is, a really powerful modality, which you cannot put money on and can have some very positive results when applied - its free, its painless, and its good.
PSTEC for Cancer
Click Here for Free download
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