If you want to achieve your goals, improve your life, enjoy life or discover your true calling – whatever it is you want to achieve you first have to decide what is important and then come up with a plan.
You don’t have to come up with all the details but you have to come up with a list of what you want to achieve, why and have a general idea of how you plan to get there.
Did you know that 80-percent of people who write down their goals achieve them. Yet less than 5-percent of people in the world actually write down their goals and desires?
Those are astounding figures – and think about it – just by simply writing down your goals, objectives and plans you increase your chance of success and achievement by 80-percent.
Did you also know that most successful people and the wealthiest people in the world write down their objective and come up with a solid plan of action – before they became successful? Now you know why they’re successful.
Why does coming up with a plan and decision make such a difference?
Because when you make a decision, write it down, come up with a plan – you tell your subconscious mind, and you send out a message – that you’re ready for
success and that you will accept nothing less than success. It’s a powerful message that supercharges your subconscious mind to get moving on achieving these goals.
Ok, so we have outlined some of the moves towards trying to achieve your goals.
Obviously Action is one of those IMPORTANT areas that is required.
BUT.......and this is VERY VERY IMPORTANT to understand - there maybe a huge amount of conflict within your conscious mind and subconscious mind when trying to reach these goals.
This area is something which is seldom spoken about and is ESSENTIAL to comprehend.
Remember that saying that all good things in life are free, well sometimes they are, but you have to look, and turn stones over to find them.
Just recently I was emailed by a Top Self-Help Guru (Joe Vitale) regarding a very interesting concept about Self-Sabotage and our failure to achieve our Goals. He has a technique called the Furba Clearing Technique.
I watched this video and was absolutely knocked out by this simple technique for countering negative thoughts or feelings. I wont bore you with my interpretation of this techinque but I strongly suggest that you view this short video and tell me what you think.
And its Free !!
The Link is http://www.the-abundance-paradigm.com/funnel_events/4651
All the best
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