Poverty Thinking - Secrets to Wealth
Every hour of every day your mind is talking to you. You hear the alarm clock
and it tells you to get up. You see a car coming towards you and it tells you to get outof the way. You see someone you don’t like and it tells you to leave that vicinity…
You start earning more than you need and it tells you to spend more! You start
earning a lot more than you need and it tells you to mess things up. Sometimes so that you completely ruin everything.
This is very illogical when written out, right? But the reason your mind does
this is to protect you from the unknown. The unknown, in this case, is moving in
wealthier circles because of your new income.
Just imagine that for a moment. Moving in wealthier circles. I bet that stirs up
at least a little bit of resistance. (Unless of course you already are moving in these circles.)
You might lose your existing friends. You might not like some of your new
friends. People might try to rip you off if they think you’ve got money etc. These are myths. Of course, you may lose one or two friends but then they weren’t friends to begin with so you’re better off without them.
Of course you may not like some of your new circle of friends but then I bet there are poor people you don’t like too.
(Wealthier people are mostly happier and easier to get on with.)
And of course people may try to rip you off if you have money but then, couldn’t that happen anyway? And wouldn’t you be more able to deal with the loss if you were wealthy? And while I’m at it, here are 11 more myths that you may be using as justifications of not earning more than you need…
B.S. Myth #1
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know!
B.S. Myth #2
That’s just the way I am!
B.S. Myth #3
Money will solve all your problems!
B.S. Myth #4
I don’t have the time!
B.S. Myth #5
I’m too old!
B.S. Myth #6
Money doesn’t make you happy!
B.S. Myth #7
Rich people are all evil and greedy!
B.S. Myth #8
I’ve tried things like this before and they
don’t seem to ever work out!
B.S. Myth #9
But I’m not a writer and I can’t write!
B.S. Myth #10
Business is risky!
B.S. Myth #11
I never achieve my goals!
Sound familiar, well I can guarantee that most of us have at some time been guilty of those myths, I certainly have, and it needs a wake up call to summon our courage and raise our personal bar for a life which we all deserve. The secret to wealth can be a bumpy ride, only if your are living life in the rear view mirror.
see you tomorrow.
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