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Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Millionaire Stealth Secrets - Secrets to Wealth

Dear Reader,

2 years ago, my millionaire friend Gary Jackson told me a very interesting story about two identical twins who were orphaned and later separated in early childhood – because of the mass evacuations during the second world war. Their names were Hank and Alex.

“In 1981,” Gary explained “these two twins, then in their forties, were reunited.”

Quite strangely but not surprisingly, both twins were married at the same age, both had twin sons, both had started similar businesses and both had started their businesses within a year of each other.

There was, however, a major difference between them.

“Hank’s business was still rattling along nicely but only ever gave him just enough to get by,” Gary told me “but Alex had sold his business in 1974 for £6 million, invested most of it and is now said to be worth well over £150 million.”

“You’d have thought they would have both done just as well as each other wouldn’t you. What made the difference?” I asked.

“The difference between the two,” Gary told me “was that one of the men knew something the other did not. Alex knew Millionaire Stealth Secrets. Hank did not.”

That got my attention.

Gary went on to explain these Millionaire Stealth Secrets to me and from that day forward it seemed that everything I touched turned to gold. Everything I bought made me a profit. Everyone I met, wanted to do some kind of profitable deal with me. Everyday that went past, I saw and grasped opportunities that always worked out for me instead of picking the losers like usual – because before I didn’t know what to look for.

“You’re now ready to become wealthy with anything you turn your hand to.” Gary said to me. “Before I told you these Millionaire Stealth Secrets, you didn’t stand a chance in hell.”

He was right.

For what seemed like a lifetime, I had tried business opportunity after business opportunity with no joy whatsoever. I had spent the best part of ten grand on these, what I
thought were, scams and rip-offs. But armed with these Millionaire Stealth Secrets,

I started, one by one, to finally make them work for me.

With very little effort, reprint rights to other people’s products I had paid thousands for, suddenly started selling like hotcakes. Websites I was paying monthly subscriptions to and previously making a loss from, suddenly started churning out regular automatic profits while I slept. Even gambling and share systems that previously at best made me a slight loss, all of a sudden started yielding hundreds of pounds per week.

Every single thing I tried worked like mad. It was unbelievable.

I decided to see if it was just luck. So I started buying and selling on ebay and found I could make in excess of £400 profit per sale at least twice a day automatically. I also created systems for generating hundreds of pounds per week using quick and simple one page websites without the need for credit card facilities. I innovated a direct mail system that produced 10 - 15% response rates (no word of a lie) even for high ticket items. I created a step by step simple approach to writing sales copy for any product that anyone who can write an email can easily do in a few minutes. I identified the one key element all hugely successful products have and the mediocre ones don’t and created a foolproof method of thinking up hugely profitable products anyone can use to create successful low risk business ideas in minutes.

In short, I created a sound, practical set of strategies anyone can use to make a bit of money instantly and also, if they wanted to, a method of getting rich beyond their wildest dreams by creating their own hugely successful products practically risk free.

All these things seemed to come out of nowhere as soon as Gary taught me those Millionaire Stealth Secrets. It turned my life upside down. It was like having a magic wand. The only one in the world. And the most powerful spell to go with it.

Before long I was earning a cool £1420 per week without lifting a finger. This would not have happened without Gary’s Millionaire Stealth Secrets.

“These Millionaire Stealth Secrets were nearly NOT for sale”

Shortly after this, what can only be described as a phenomena, I said to Gary, “Gary, I’ve bought shed loads of self improvement and success type books, DVDs, CDs and I’ve been to some really expensive seminars just recently by the top success gurus and I have never heard anything like your Millionaire Stealth Secrets before. In fact, it makes me laugh because those so called ‘gurus’ all seem to have it back to front!”

“They’ve got it totally wrong.” He replied, “That’s why the others don’t work.”

“Exactly, you could change the world with your Millionaire Stealth Secrets Gary. Why don’t you share it with people and make a killing?” I pleaded.

“If this gets out, too many people will become too wealthy and successful too quickly and the Government will put interest rates through the roof to try and throttle it. Those who don’t know these Millionaire Stealth Secrets will suffer.” He said. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to teach this to the general public. Besides, I don’t need to. I’m making a killing on everything else I’m doing. I think we should keep this to ourselves.”

“No Gary!” I argued. “There are people out there who deserve to know the secret

path to wealth. The people who are trying desperately to break free of the grind. The people who actually want to be successful. Most other people are hopeless sceptics and would much prefer not to know how easy it actually is to become extremely wealthy. Let’s leave those sceptics alone and teach these Millionaire Stealth Secrets to people who need it.”

We chewed the fat on this for nearly an hour but eventually…

“Okay!” He slammed. “Let’s make this available to a very small handful of people who have proven to want to make money in their own business. Then, we’ll wait to see what happens and slowly expand. A good enough compromise?”

So over the last year, Gary and I have put together an easily understood printed course called “Millionaire Stealth Secrets”.

It teaches you the Millionaire Stealth Secrets. Exactly how Gary taught them to me. The full monte. It has nothing to do with positive thinking, affirmations or any of that mumbo jumbo you’ve read before. It is the real deal and all you need do is spend 5 or 6 minutes in a morning while you’re still in bed to get the full effect.

How do Gary’s Millionaire Stealth Secrets Work?

There is no way enough room in this letter to fully explain how Gary’s Millionaire Stealth Secrets work. Basically, there’s a special mechanism in your brain which is responsible for how well you do in life. The default setting for this mechanism is ‘survival’. Leaving this setting as it is means, baring luck, you will always find life a struggle.

All you are basically doing with Gary’s Millionaire Stealth Secrets is learning how to reset this mechanism for huge success. Once this is done, you will then choose all the correct ‘forks’ in the road of life that take you down the path to wealth.

In short, as soon as you’ve learnt Gary’s Millionaire Stealth Secrets, you’ll rise and keep on rising instead of the usual rising and falling – because your mechanism is set to ‘survival’ mode. That’s the best way I can describe it in a short letter like this.

Imagine digging out all those old ‘business opportunities’ you’ve bought over the years and being able to make each one work wonderfully. Imagine receiving the Millionaire Stealth Secrets course in the post and going on to generate £1420 or more per week like I did in just a few short months. Imagine moving into the house of your dreams. Imagine buying that car you’ve always wanted. Imagine living the perfect lifestyle.

No need to imaging any longer. All you need do is complete the enclosed certificate of success and post it back to me in the envelope provided as soon as possible because if you reply before [enter mailing date + 9 days] then I will do it for a discount.

About 3 or 4 days after you’ve posted it off, you’ll receive the Millionaire Stealth Secrets course. It will contain everything you need to get going and generate the money you need.

It is made up of 23 sections. Each section takes you on a journey through your thought processes and sets the mechanism in your brain that controls how well you do in

life to ‘Huge Success’. You’ll see how when you get the course.

When my millionaire Friend wasn’t testing new theories and strategies and discovering new things and finding out new secrets from his colleagues or anything important you need to know about… he was adding them to Millionaire Stealth Secrets.

In other words, what you’ll be learning is right at the forefront of all present thinking.

Just to remind you, I am doing this to you for a discount if you send in your Certificate of Success before the end of next week. I’m offering you this because I want to get your order out of the way so I can concentrate on my other money making activities.


I can’t promise you will even read Millionaire Stealth Secrets let alone be able to generate fantastic sums of money like me. In fact, you probably won’t! not everyone’s cut out to do this. That’s why I’m inviting you to try. This is your chance to see if you are able to use these Millionaire Stealth Secrets to create the lifestyle you have yearned for since being bullied onto the treadmill of life in your early years.

Click Here for The Millionaire Stealth Secrets - You Also Get 9 Fabulous Bonuses Free!

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